Live Webinar

Exploring Our Public Lands

    Sunday June 02 , 2024

    At 05:00 PM CDT

Introducing Exploring Our Public Lands
With Liz Guertin

Learn the Skills, Techniques, and Safety Tips that will 
keep you enjoying the outdoors for years to come!

In this course, Liz Guertin will serve as your knowledgeable guide, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of our public lands. You will explore various topics including public land designations, safety measures, navigation techniques, and exciting aspects such as finding great campsites and shower facilities. Liz will also share her personal recommendations for hidden gems where you can enjoy the beauty of nature without the presence of large crowds.

Gain valuable insights and add some new tools to your skillset!


Learn essential concepts of navigation, including the use of navigation apps and understanding the necessity of relying on a paper map even without cell phone service.


Gain valuable knowledge on what to do when lost, including signaling for help, strategies to become unlost, understanding exposure, water, and food in emergency situations, and the use of satellite phones and texters for communication in remote areas.


Equip yourself with the necessary skills to comprehend our Public Lands, their management agencies, and how to navigate specific rules and regulations. You will also learn about various recreational opportunities such as dispersed camping, hiking, and mountain biking.

Join us on this exciting journey to explore and appreciate the wonders of our public lands!


Liz is an award-winning photographer based in Columbia, Maryland where she lives with her dog, Buster! She spends about half the year on the road both photographing and teaching classes & workshops based in natural history. She’s been an outdoor activist, expert, leader, and instructor for over two decades with organizations like the Sierra Club and REI. Her mission in life is to connect people to the outdoors in order to inspire awe, joy, and conservation efforts. Her most recent photography employs ICM + ME techniques to explore vanishing landscapes. You can find more about her work at and contact at

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